This year the KT Wong Foundation is developing an Intern programme in partnership with the Aix Festival to offer opportunities for young people who aspire to work in the arts to be involved with the Festival.
The KT Wong Foundation’s key aim is to foster a mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world, working on collaborative cultural projects across performing and visual arts to explore and create dialogue around, world-leading art, both contemporary and traditional.
The purpose of this program is to enable young people with an interest in the arts to work with one of Europe’s major arts festivals to develop an understanding of the skill and expertise required to make and deliver high quality work both on stage and on film.
The opportiunities offered by the internships will include working with professional documentary filmmakers as they film 2 documentaries commissioned by the KT Wong Foundation, and to become involved in the making of Aix Festival’s opera projects, supporting the artists and technicians during this process.
These are excellent opportunities for young people to gain experience working with top professionals of both film and stage.